Studio 79 Youth CIC mission is to welcome community members of all ages and abilities the opportunity to learn within the Performing Arts. Specialising in Dance and Musical theatre, our dance family promotes empowerment, self-confidence and better connections between you and others. Our supportive faculty offer full Dance and Musical Theatre training in a safe environment!
Visit Our Studio
Studio Space
Four Fully equipped Dance Studios. Mirrors, Sprung Floors, Ballet Barres and Sound System Studio 1: 70ft x 21.5ft Studio 2: 43ft x 23ft Studio 3: 23.5ft x 21.5ft Studio 4: 23.5ft x 21.5ft
Studio Hire
The studio spaces are available to hire and each year we have many bookings from community groups to professional dance/theatre companies. To enquire about bookings please ring the main contact number or email your request.